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Houdini Network for 3D Procedural Modeling

Rendering In Solaris

Lesson One

In lesson one we learn how to import our scene into Solaris. Learn how we can use the Name Attribute to partition our geometry. Create materials using MaterialX, and the Standard PBR Surface. We then assign our materials and add area lights to create a basic lighting set-up. We then set up a camera and look at Depth of Field.

asset bash materialx usd solaris houdini deier rams lessons 008

Rendering In Solaris

Lesson Two

In lesson two we dive further into MaterialX and add in texture maps. We then create 3D noise and learn how we can use it for creating the brushed metal effect. We also re-examine and improve the rough translucency shader.

asset bash 3d billboard generator hd 001

Create a Billboard Generator

Lesson One

In lesson one we build out a simple structure using both polygons and NURBS. By building the same object in both polygons and NURBS, we can see the benefits and drawbacks of polygons. We explore how with the proper use of NURBS we can build a more robust tool. We can extract curves with the Carve Sop and detail our models. NURBS can be misunderstood but offer a powerful way to create procedural 3D models. We then look at some quick instancing tests and bring the scene into Solaris.

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Create a Billboard Generator

Lesson Two

In lesson one we build out a simple structure using both polygons and NURBS. By building the same object in both polygons and NURBS, we can see the benefits and drawbacks of polygons. We explore how with the proper use of NURBS we can build a more robust tool. We can extract curves with the Carve Sop and detail our models. NURBS can be misunderstood but offer a powerful way to create procedural 3D models. We then look at some quick instancing tests and bring the scene into Solaris.

creating procedural landscapes houdini unreal engine unity

Houdini Landscapes for Unreal Engine

Lesson One

In lesson one we learn how to correctly size our landscapes for Unreal Engine or Unity. We learn how to use geometry as a mask for customizing your landscapes. Then we get an overview of use nodes like Heightfield Erode, Heightfield Mask by Feature, Heightfield Flow, and others. We learn how to customize our landscape layers with masks. We cover creating a procedural pipeline, and how to create a Houdini Digital Asset.

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Houdini Landscapes for Unreal Engine

Lesson Two

In lesson two we learn how to set up our Unreal Engine Project. We examine the project settings for creating cinematic visuals. We add in a Sun And Sky, Environment Heightfog, and a Post-Process Volume. We cover how to set up our Exposure Settings correctly for high-quality rendering. We then import our Houdini Landscape as a Houdini Digital Asset.

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Simple Point Transformations

Introduction to Point Morphing

In this beginner’s lesson, we examine the Position Attribute in Houdini. The position attribute is the cartesian coordinate of the points that create the geometry. We show how to use the Scatter Sop to scatter points across the surface of geometry. We then look at how we can scatter an equal number of points on two pieces of geometry and animate a blend between the two. This technique is called point morphing.

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Create Cyberpunk Cities with Houdini and Unreal Engine

Lesson One

In this first lesson, we look at the foundational skills needed. It is important to have a strong understanding of attributes in Houdini. We also begin our investigation of For Loops. We cover how to use Houdini’s Point and Primitive Attributes.


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Why Should I Learn to 3D Model with Houdini?

Because of the procedural networks in Houdini, we can build 3D models in a non-destructive way. The closest alternative for this would be Blenders Geometry Nodes. Houdini has several benefits. The biggest advantage is that we can build Houdini Digital Assets that we can use in other software. The other factor is that in Houdini, everything is a “Geometry Node.” What I mean, is that we do not have to enter into a specialized context. All Houdini is fully procedural. We can incorporate any of Houdini’s contexts and use them in our tools. Oh, and Houdini is the best 3D software out there.

Start learning 3D Modeling with these Free Houdini Tutorials

Asset Bash has several free tutorials and courses on how to learn to procedurally 3D model in Houdini. The core belief of Asset Bash is to create non-destructive 3D models and tools.

The Benefits Of Houdini for 3D Modeling

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