Rendering With Karma, MaterialX, and Solaris with Houdini

This is an ongoing course on lighting, rendering, and material creation. Inspired by the beautiful simplicity of the designs of Dieter Rams. There is much to learn from the simplicity of his designs. When working with Houdini our node network should reflect this philosophy. Nothing that is not needed. Simple, clean, and easy to read.

Houdini Network for 3D Procedural Modeling


In lesson one we learn how to import our scene into Solaris. Learn how we can use the Name Attribute to partition our geometry. Create materials using MaterialX, and the Standard PBR Surface. We then assign our materials and add area lights to create a basic lighting set-up. We then set up a camera and look at Depth of Field.

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In lesson two we dive further into MaterialX and add in texture maps. We then create 3D noise and learn how we can use it for creating the brushed metal effect. We also re-examine and improve the rough translucency shader.

Watch Rendering With Karma, MaterialX, and Solaris with Houdini Lesson Two for Free

Watch Rendering With Karma, MaterialX, and Solaris with Houdini Lesson Two for Free

Content Created By

Jordan Halsey |